
Flaggstång i ögat.
I don't even know...
Love nails
Målade naglarna i natt också♥

I need to sleep more.

"It's 4 am and I just rememberd I've got snickers!! :D"



The things you smile for is not worth to die for.

Jag fick en fråga av Vicki ( Om jag kunde göra ett inlägg om mina höga converse som jag köpte på Beyond retro. Och det är klart jag kan.
MEN, jag tror att man kan köpa några liknande på shock, och man kan annars säkert gå till någon online affär som säljer converse och hitta dom. Annars kan ni ju kolla E-bay♥


Dyed my hair!

Färgar håret

Yin and yang nails!

Don't go with the flow, go with the flue and miss school!
Going out!
Nu ska jag snart dra till ringen med Emma och Isabell och shoppa lite! Har inte så mycket pengar som jag kan spändera just nu så jag kommer troligen inte köpa någonting, Men det ska bli kul att vara med dom endå!♥
Sen kanske vi drar in till stan lite, Bye bye!♥
Fuck it all!
HAHA! Så bäst! Älskar dig william!
pow pow pow

Maby I should get dressed and go out too take some photos.


Kanske ska kolla på lite Skins i alla fall. + att det regnar så då behöver man inte feel bad för att man inte är ute haha, men sen när det blir fint väder då är det ut och renna haha♥

Out to eat some sushi!
För ungefär 40 minuter sen kom jag hem från Moa. Vi är alltid hos Moa och har vattenkrig efter skolavslutningarna, alla som vill får hänga med, hehe♥
Så nu har jag fixat mig och vi ska iväg och äta lite sushi! Det ska ju bli kulo, so talk too you later♥

Men det blir nog ganska lätt, jag har ju mitt jedcrew!♥

I will now say goodnight with me beeing silly.
Check my collar, collar. Ey, ey, ey!
Först sydde jag kragen, som var superlätt. Det trodde jag inte det skulle va. Sen så satte jag "Nitar" på den!♥

Okay, nu ska jag va really mean mot dom som läser min blogg sent..
In June of 1972, a woman appeared in Cedar Senai hospital in nothing but a white gown covered in blood. Now this in itself should not be too surprising as people often have accidents nearby and come to the nearest hospital for medical attention. But there were two things that caused people who saw her to vomit and flee in terror.
The first, being that she wasn’t exactly human. She resembled something close to a mannequin, but had the dexterity and fluidity of a normal human being. Her face, was as flawless as a mannequins, devoid of eyebrows and smeared in make-up. That’s the other reason people were throwing up or fleeing in terror.
She had a kitten clenched in between her teeth, her jaws clamped so unnaturally tightly around it to the point where no teeth could be seen, the blood was still squirting out over her gown and onto the floor. She then pulled it out of her mouth, tossed it aside and collapsed.
From the moment she stepped through the entrance to when she was taken to a hospital room and cleaned up before being prepped for sedation, she was completely calm, expressionless and motionless. The doctors had thought it best to restrain her until the authorities could arrive and she did not protest. They were unable to get any kind of response from her and most staff members felt too uncomfortable to look directly at her for more than a few seconds.
But the second the staff tried to sedate her, she fought back with extreme force. Two members of staff holding her down as her body rose up on the bed with that same, blank expression.
She turned her emotionless eyes towards the male doctor and did something unusual. She smiled.
As she did, the female doctor screamed and let go out of shock. In the womans mouth were not human teeth, but long, sharp spikes. Too long for her mouth to close fully without causing any damage…
The male doctor stared back at her for a moment before asking “What in the hell are you?”
She cracked her neck down to her shoulder to observe him, still smiling.
There was a long pause, the security had been alerted and could be heard coming down the hallway.
As he heard them, she darted forward, sinking her teeth into the front of his throat, ripping out his jugular & letting him fall to the floor, gasping for air as he choked on his own blood.
She stood up and leaned over him, her face coming dangerously close to his as the life faded from his eyes.
She leaned closer and whispered in his ear.
The doctors eyes filled with fear as he watched her calmly walk away to greet the security men. His last ever sight would be watching her feast on them one by one.
The female doctor who survived the incident named her “The Expressionless”.
There was never a sighting of her again.
Everyone have a little psycho in them ♥___♥
Shutter island = Mind fuck


Okay, this get to be the song of the day then.
New phone!!:D

Going out!
Song of the day!
Hammarby sjöstad med Isabell, Emma och Ebba igår.

Hej på er, jag vaknade för några timmar sedan med kläder, smink och hela rubbet utanpå mitt täcke, så jag kröp in under det och sov att tag till. Nu ska jag sitta vid datan en stund och sen ska jag förhoppningsvis träffa nåra ut the jedcrew!:)
Här får ni en gammal bild på mig och bea!


Shutter island
I am beautiful! [Videoblogg]
I'm smart!

I'm sorry for all the gifs going on right now, hehe


You want some, huh?

They tried stoning me , my dear. it did not work

Me ♥ Bananas = Forever!


Lets wear a panda hat today